
Why do we look like our pets?

7 years ago by Laura

With the advent of animojis on the latest iPhone X where you can use facial recognition to animate emojis with your very own features and voice ?, it got us thinking about our own pets and how we all somehow end up looking like them ?.

We thought it was just a funny coincidence ? but it turns out there have been scientific studies that tell us there’s a little more to it ?.

It’s important for children to feel that they’re not alone and that they fit in ? but sometimes it’s difficult for those who might be a little bit different. Consciously choosing an animal ? with which they have something physical in common can help with confidence and self esteem ?.

When you have a pet ? they become part of your family and just as you start to mimic expressions and habits of other humans ? that you spend lots of time with, the same happens with your pet ?. Sounds crazy, but it’s true ?‍♀️!

A study in Japan asked volunteers to match owners and their pets just using their eyes ?️, and guess what? They got the majority of them correct ?! The study suggests that we look for a pet that mirrors ourselves.

Who knew?


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